Grade threes are currently working on a large project where they are becoming designers and engineers of of the new event center. To understand what features may need to be added to the event center, students went and toured the Calgary Saddledome to learn what features it has that we may include in our deign, or features that we may want to not include. We realized from our tour that there are many features that make the Calgary Saddledome a unique building. Ask your child what are some of the features that make it a memorable and record holding building. Students are applying the new information learned towards their reports. Today, we specifically worked on our topic sentence (SC/AH)). This is a very hard concept as we have been working on complex sentences, but now we need to go back to a simple sentence for a topic sentence. This afternoon we reviewed some of the constraints the Saddldome has as well as some of the positive features. We worked with our groups...