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Friday Nov. 15

First of all I would like to introduce our student teacher in our class, Katie McCurdy. Ms. McCurdy will be with us until Dec 13th. She is working on her third semester in education and will be working towards teaching up to 75% of the time in our class during this time. Students have welcomed her and are enthusiastic to work along side her as she learns the curriculum, our class routines and student strengths. Ms. McCurdy will also be joining us at student learning conversations. If you are not comfortable with her being a part of this conversation, please let me know.

In class students are working hard at creating their designs for the new arena. We did have to take a small break from them as we explored strong shapes, but are now back into the design process with much enthusiasm. Specifically, we combined all the data we received from parents in regards to features and created bar graphs. We realized that tally charts can be hard to read, but bar graphs give us a stronger visual of the information.

Our next steps is to get feedback from peers to ensure we have met all the requirements and our design makes sense. We are hoping to start the actual blueprints later next week. A special thanks goes out to Mike Stubble (last weeks guest speaker) for sharing his expertise with drafting blueprints and helping us determine sizes and proportions. This week we have another guest speaker (an engineer) to help us strengthen our understanding of stabilization, shapes, and purposes of structures.


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