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Showing posts from January, 2020

Wednesday January 29

Field Study tomorrow! Tomorrow students will be going on a field study to the Calgary Zoo. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather. We know how Calgary can be! It is always easier to take off clothing when too hot than to find something to warm up with. Reminder there is no school Friday. Some students have brought home some math word problems to work on. They have been working on them in class and may need some additional time to finish them.

Friday January 24

On Thursday we worked on our animal life cycle. There are many different animals that people are doing. We were watching a Bill Nye video and we learned a bunch of new words. Yesterday we got our recorders. We are learning gymnastics. We were doing problems they were really hard for some kids. And we learned how to get on Jack and Macy

Monday January 28

We learned to do mission in possible in gym. We are doing story plans. We did math about shopping and catering. We did writers workshop. It's when we do stories. We did reading with a group. At the start of school we shard what we did on the weekend.  We went down to the ilab and picked something that we can improve on in school. And we are thinking of moving the tables. Sage and Calix Today I introduced the school development plan to the students. This is posted outside the iLab. Mrs. Ramsay wrote it in child friendly language where we could have a deep discussion about it. As a group we discussed what wellness looks like in our school and what we could do to make it better for ourselves and others. Students decided to work on the goal of "looking at other students work to make improvements in my own". Many time we work with our peers to give and receive feedback about our own work, but rarely do we look at the work of others and use that information to make improve...

Tuesday January 21

5 things we learned today We made are story plans about a photo with 7 characters but we can only chose 3 characters. In math the students of room 7 got library math problems. Some are adding and some are subtraction. We have to read the problem carefully to understand which operation to use. We are now doing gymnastics we have 8 centers: 3 climbing activities and 5 other ones. In music are class is getting recorders in 2 days. Yay our class is super excited. We are working on our animal lifecycles. We know there are different animal life cycles depending on if it is a mammal, amphibian, bird, insect or fish. By JV & SM Reminders We still need 1 more volunteer Zoo is on January 30th made by Jenson v and Sebastien m.

Monday January 20

Room 7 was so happy to be able to go outside for recess. In fact, I had a couple of students dancing as they walked out the door with their arms open wide basking in the warm sunny air. It really is amazing how important it is for students to have the opportunity to get sunshine and fresh air after being cooped up inside all last week. In Science we are exploring two different topics simultaneously, hearing and sound and animal life cycles. Each week we will be exploring one of the topics and eventually they will blend together. Although this week may be a bit different as we will be reviewing key vocabulary for hearing and sound and completing our animal lifecycle pages to get ready for our field study next week. In Math we have been exploring addition and subtraction questions. Each student has identified which strategy they like most for each operation. Some students use the same strategy for each operation and some use different ones. Ask your child which strategy works best fo...

Tuesday January 14

Happy Tuesday! I hope all of you are dressing warm for this weather. It is unbelievable how cold it is outside. These past two days week we have continued with our exploration of the human ear. Students made 3D models of the parts of the ear and then presented their models to the class. It was interesting to hear what materials were chosen for each part. For example, one student shared they chose a backwards cup for the pinna so the sound has a big opening and then funnel into the ear canal. One student explained they chose a material that was flexible to represent the ear drum so that the sound waves can create a vibration which can then travel through the bones to the cochlea. Ask your child how the ear works and what the purpose of each part may be. Field trip forms for the zoo were handed out today. I will need 5 volunteers for this field study. If you are available, please let me know through email. I cannot take more than 5 so the first 5 people will have preference on thi...

Thursday January 9

Students have began their investigation into understanding how we hear. This week we reviewed a couple of videos to understand the parts of the ear. We then completed a diagram with labels. Students were put into groups of 3 and 4 to start planning how they would create a 3D model of the ear using loose parts. The plans needed to include a labelled diagram, list of materials, and possible steps in completing the model. Today we went to the iLab started gathering our materials for our models and began to fasten everything together. We will continue this mini project next week. Reminders No school tomorrow

Monday January 6

Welcome back! I hope all room 7 families has a restful holiday and enjoyed the nice weather. Students were very excited to share some of the things they did over the break. I heard a lot about new video games, skiing and sledding. Today was a day of reflection and getting back into the routines of the classroom. We discussed that January is always a fresh start and it is a great time to make changes to things that are not working. For example, as a class we discussed that reading in the morning is not working. Some students are fully engaged and others benefit from direct support. As a group we came up with a new routine that will help support all students and will allow me the opportunity to work with all students on their reading more often than I have in the past. We will work through it for the next 4 weeks and then make any tweeks that may emerge. In Science we began our inquiry into hearing and sound. Students watched a small video (5 minutes) that introduced how our ears...