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Week 4

Week 4:  
The grade 3 teachers have been reviewing the work students have been handing in along with the expectations from Alberta Learning. We have decided to change things a bit with the hopes that this will be easier on students and families as they juggle the “new normal”.  

Students will have expected assignments and optional assignments. Each assignment leads to the next therefore they will need to be completed in order but not necessarily on the suggested day. Feedback will be given to students as assignments are completed. We have also included rubrics and checklists to help students know how they will be marked as well as they can meet higher expectations.  

Optional assignments, such as the passion project, are included for students who want extra work. These will not be formally assessed but will be considered when looking at final marks for Language Arts.  

On a side note, please know we appreciate all the work our families are doing at home with the students. We understand every family has their own complexities at home and everyone is trying their best. We are here for all of you, to help you through this new type of learning. Please reach out if there is anything we can so to support you. 

Monday: Meet up 1pm – Go through the weeks assignments, check-in and to see if there are any questions – read aloud to follow if time.  
Tuesday: Read aloud 1pm (optional) 
Wednesday: Read aloud 1pm (optional) 
Thursday: Read aloud 1pm (optional) 
Friday Meet up 1pm – Check-in and celebrate successes and achievements! Read aloud to follow if time.  

Personal Challenges: Goal setting 
Learning Intention:  I can set goals and make a plan.  

The very first thing we would like you to do at the beginning of the week is to have a conversation between you and your caregiver (mom, dad, grandma, guardian). During this conversation go over the following questions:   
  • - What is the BIG learning intention for the week? - Review the question and discuss how each of the activities given this week goes with the question  
  • - What is your learning goal for the week? - What is something you want to work on? This can be organizing yourself independently this week; submitting something through google classroom; editing your written work for punctuation, spelling and capitals; trying a new math strategy. This goal is for you.  
  • - Share your goal in the comment section of this assignment.  
  • - How are you going to organize your week? - Will you follow the schedule that was provided? Will you need to move/shuffle/modify when you do the activities?   

Answer your goal in the Personal Challenges/Goal Setting assignment 

No assessment piece to this 

For the next little while, we will be focusing on writing a short story. Students can choose their own idea, or they can continue with the Lion beginning from last week. Our goal is to SLOWLY write a detailed story applying different skills. Please don’t rush into your story by writing all of it. Try to follow the instructions that we are giving you. This week we are only focusing on the BEGINNING.  

Learning Intention: I can use my 5 senses to describe the setting of my story, and to make it come alive for my reader. 

Description of Setting 
  1. 1. Watch the following short video about what a setting is: 
  1. 2. The best way to write about a setting is to pick a place you have been before. Pick a place you know and love. Close your eyes and think hard about what it was like to be there.  
  1. 3. Using the graphic organizer provided, or on a piece of paper use your 5 senses to describe what it is like at your favourite place. Think about what you see there, what you smell, what the weather is like. What time of year is it? Is it day or night? How do you feel while you are there?  
  1. 4. This will be the setting of your story – think about what kinds of problems could happen in your chosen setting. Write the possible problems somewhere on your piece of paper to come back to.  
  1. 5. Use the rubric to self-assess your work. What can you do to get to the next level?  
  2. 6. Share your work with your parents and your teacher.  

Math -  
Learning Intention: I can identify how fractions are found in everyday life 

Assessment: I can identify how fractions are found in everyday life 
  • - Is the example a true fraction? (equal parts of a whole/set) 
  • - Do the numerical fractions match the picture? 

Fraction hunt: 
  1. 1. Take a look around your house and see what fractions you are able to find. 
  1. 2. Using a blank page draw the 4 fractions you found or if you have a device you can take a picture and capture your 4 fractions and add them to your assignment.  
  1. 3. Make sure you identify the fractions you found by writing the proper fraction that goes with each picture. 
  1. 4. Share the fractions you found with your caregiver. Ask them for a couple examples of how they use fractions in daily life. Write their answers at the bottom of your fraction hunt page.
  2. Tuesday 
    Learning Intention: I can create an exciting character for my story. 

    Description of character 
    1. 1. Watch the following short video on what a character is: 
    1. 2. Think about the setting you chose yesterday. Now think about what kind of a character would be in that setting. What do they look like? How would they act? What problem might they face in your chosen setting? How would they deal with the problem? How would it make them feel? 
    1. 3. Use the attached graphic organizer, or a piece of paper to create a character sketch of your main character. Don’t forget to include a picture of them!   
    2. 4. Use the rubric to self-assess your work. What can you do to get to the next level?  
    3. 5. Share your work with your parents and your teacher.

    Learning Intention: I can compare fractions to find the largest one 
    • Correctly compare each fraction 

    Comparing fractions: 
    1. 1. Watch the following Khan Academy video that introduces how to compare fractions: 
    1. 2. Print off the fraction strips page and begin by adding some colour and cutting out each of the strips into their pieces. These fraction pieces will help with comparing fractions to each other.  

    1. 3. Using the fraction questions provided compare each set of fractions using the pieces you cut out to find which is the larger fraction.  
    1. 4. For additional practice you can use the fractions you found yesterday and compare them to find the largest fraction.  
    2. Wednesday  

      Learning Intention: I can experiment with organizing my ideas before creating my own story beginning.  

      Writing the Beginning 
      1. 1. Taking the setting and character that you have created over the past 2 days, write the beginning to your story.  (If you need a reminder of the different story beginnings here is the video from last week: 
      1. 2. Choose one of the attached graphic organizers, or a use piece of paper to jot down your ideas for your story.  
      1. 3. Use the attached Google Doc to write your story. You only need to write the beginning this week!  
      1. 4. Don’t worry about spelling, or capitals, or punctuation! Just write!  
      1. 5. Share your work with your parents and your teacher.  
  3. Math  
    Learning Intention: I can compare fractions to find information 
    • Draw and label fractions 
    • Compare fractions 

    Pizza Fractions:  
    1. 1.Print a copy of the blank pizza page and legend to work on as you follow the instructions to build your pizza. You will also need a dice and some pencil crayons if you want to add colour. 
    1. 2. Use the instruction page to add different ingredients on your pizza. Every slice can be different but make sure there are some ingredients on all of them.  
    1. 3. Answer the fraction questions about your pizza to learn a little bit more about how your pizza came together.  
    1. 4. Share your pizza with your caregiver and then add a picture of it along with the answers to your questions.  


    Learning Intention: I can apply story writing techniques to enhance my writing. I can use exemplars to improve my work.  

    Editing/Assessment checklist 
    1. 1. Open your story beginning from yesterday. Read it. Read it again. Read it out loud. Do the sentences make sense to you?  
    1. 2. Use the provided checklist to edit your story beginning.  
    1. 3. Can you make enhancements to improve your beginning? 
    1. 4. Please submit all your work today!  

    Editing Checklist 
    • - Have you used a wow story starter? 
    • - Does your description of the setting paint a picture for the reader? Is there enough detail where the reader can ‘see’ the setting? 
    • - Does your description of character paint a picture for the reader? Is there enough detail where the reader can visualize the main character? 
    • - Have you included a clear problem? 

    Assessment – Has the student applied the techniques taught (setting and character description) to enhance his/her story?  

    Learning Intention: I can use fractions to solve a problem 
    • Able to solve word problems using fractions 

    Baking Fractions: 
    1. 1. Open the baking fractions document and follow the instruction to finish the math activity.  
    1. 2. If you would like an added fraction challenge open the optional fraction activity. This is for those students who are looking for something extra.  



    Letter to the Teacher 
    Learning Intention: I can put ideas and information into short paragraphs with a topic and supporting sentences. I can use a checklist to edit my work. 

    1. 1.Using a medium of your choice, such as journal, google doc, video with a picture, share with your classroom teacher what you learned this week. The following questions may guide you.  Post in Google classroom. 
    - How did you play this week?  
    - How did you experiment this week?   
    - What is one new learning from this week?   
    - What are new wonders?  
    - What questions do you have for me?   

    Assessment – Can the student organize their thoughts into two simple paragraphs each with its own ideaCan the student apply periods, capitals and spelling correctly to the writing? 

    Editing Checklist  
    Are all site words spelled correctly?  
    Have misspelled words been identified by a star or underline?  
    Have misspelled words attempted to be fixed? 
    Do all sentences start with a capital 
    Are there capital letters in the middle of words? (This should be a no) 
    End Punctuation 
    Is there a period at the end of each sentence? 
    Has other punctuation (!?””) been used correctly? 
    Sentence structure 
    Does each sentence make sense?  
    Do you have enough sentences to meet assignment expectations?  

    Math – Fractions Reflection 

    Answer a few questions in the form below to share what you learned about fractions this week. The answers to these will help guide our work next week. This is like an exit slip.  

    Optional – Passion Project 

    The last two weeks you have been brainstorming topics, creating big questions and smaller questions to guide your research. You are now going to use those questions to guide your research about your topic.  

    Things to think about before starting your research: 
    • What do you really want to know about your topic? 
    • How might you want to share your new learning? 
    • Who would be your audience? Who else might care about your topic? 
    • How will you know you have enough information? 
    • How might you organize your research? 

    We have provided two types of graphic organizers you can use to organize your research. Remember we use jot notes, not sentences, when recording information. We are not allowed to copy word for word as that is called plagiarism 

    Using books, internet, and your parents experience, find answers to your guiding questions.  

    Share your research with your parents and teacher by attaching it to this assignment. Your teacher will provide feedback around your topic.  

    Additional Explore Activities 

    Outside Activity: 
    Jumping Fractions Hopscotch (materials – chalk, rocks)  
    1. Draw a hopscotch board on the pavement (please see example below) 
    1. Label each square using fractions instead of whole numbers  
    1. Students throw a rock on a labelled square and jump to itwhere they will name the equivalent fraction (another fraction of equal amount. Ex ½ = 2/4). Start from zero and end at 1 whole. 

    Science Activity 
    Erupting Rainbow Rocks (materials – baking soda, vinegar, water, foocolouring, parchment paper, muffin pan, freezer, bowl, cup and household gloves) 

    Art Activity: Photography  
    1. Create a list of 10 items that can be found in your yard or house  
    1. Using the techniques of photography, take various pictures of those items. 
    1. Post the BEST one and explain what photography technique it demonstrates.  
    1. Rule of Thirds 
    1. Point of view – birds eye and ants eye 
    1. Texture  
    1. Line of sight 


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