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Week 2

Week 2: How are the shelters of the animals in our community built? 

I hope all of my amazing students are happy and healthy. I miss you so much. It is hard to sit at a computer all day when I would much rather be sitting beside you. Know that I am thinking of each one of you every day.

This week our BIG learning intentions are:
- I can identify a shelter of an animal within my community.

- I can identify how different elements can affect the shelter of an animal.

Most of the assignments that the grade 3 teachers have planned will somehow connect to these two learning intentions. See how you can make the connections.

In addition, we will hold our first Google meet on Tuesday at 1pm. You will find a link in the newsfeed of the classroom. You only have to click on it and it will get you where you need to go. This link will only be posted 5 minutes before our time and it will be taken away right after we all leave.

In the meantime, keep yourselves active and happy. I will see you on-line on Monday and all your smiling faces on Tuesday!

Learning Plan

Daily Activities

Daily Reflective Journal
Learning Intention: I can put ideas and information into short paragraphs with a topic and supporting sentences.  

Create and or add to your daily writing journal. To start this activity, click 'create' at the top right corner. Choose to create a doc. This doc will be only yours and each day you come into this assignment, you can add to your reflection. Be sure to date each entry.

Write 10 -15 sentences using the following questions as your guideline. Submit it only if you want feedback on something or if you have possed a question for the teacher. Use the following questions as a guide.

Monday: What is the goal you set forward to achieve this week? How do you plan to achieve that goal? 

Tuesday: What new questions did you generate from the experiment? 

Wednesday: What new facts did you learn from your research? 

Thursday: Explain the topic you have chosen for your passion project. What do you hope to learn from it? 

If you need more to write about use the following questions to add details or to expand your writing.

- What was the highlight of your day? (does not need to be tied to learning)
- What are you still working on? 
- What new questions are on your mind?
- What supports do you need from me?
- What was the highlight of your day? (does not need to be tied to learning)
- What are you still working on?
- What new questions are on your mind?
- What supports do you need from me?

This will help me know the next steps for next week's lessons and where I can support you.

Personal Challenges: Goal setting
Learning Intention:  I can set goals and make a plan. 
The very first thing we would like you to do at the beginning of each week is to have a conversation between you and your caregiver (mom, dad, grandma, guardian). During this conversation go over the following questions:  

  • What is the BIG learning intention for the week? - Review the question and discuss how each of the activities given this week goes with the question 
  • What is your learning goal for the week? - What is something you want to work on? This can be organizing yourself independently this week; submitting something through google classroom; editing your written work for punctuation, spelling and capitals; trying a new math strategy. This goal is for you. Write it down somewhere safe so you can reflect on it on Friday. 
  • How are you going to organize your week? - Will you follow the schedule that was provided? Will you need to move/shuffle/modify when you do the activities?  

Setting the Stage for the Week
Using the links provided from the Calgary Zoo and the San Diego Zoo, choose an animal to observe. Record your observations on a piece of paper or in a journal. You will need these observations later in the week.  
  • Sketch what you see in the enclosure (food, shelter, play toys) 
  • Record if there are other animals in the enclosure with your animal. 
  • Observe the behaviour of your animal. What actions do you notice? 
  • If the same animal is being videoed at the other zoo, what are the similarities and differences of the enclosure?  
  • What questions are you wondering about?  

Take a picture of your observations and post in google classroom. 

Learning Intention: I can use personal strategies to solve word problems that include multiplication or division.

Using a chosen strategy, solve either problem A or B for each day. Be sure to show your work. (You may solve both problems if you would like.) Take a picture of your work and post it to Google Classroom. 
  • Problem A: Eric saw 5 bicycles and 1 tricycle near the playground. How many wheels were there altogether? Solve the problem using your own strategy. 
  • Problem B: Michelle likes to save money so that she can buy things that she wants in the future. One day, she decided to count her savings. She opened her piggy bank and sorted out the different coins and dollar bills. If she counted a total of 20 nickels (a nickel is equivalent to 5 cents), what is the total value of money (in cents) does she have in nickels? 
Learning Intention:  Identify examples of environmental conditions that may threaten animal survival 

As a class, we have been working very hard in generating hypotheses and conducting experiments. Using the template provided (through google classroom, click the doc with the assignment and then add information right into it; or print a copy of the template attachment) conduct your experiment.  

In google classroom, when you click on this assignment, you will find a document already posted. Click on this document and fill in the blanks.  

Please go into google classroom to get the attachment. 

Learning Intention: I can use personal strategies to solve word problems that include multiplication or division.

Using a chosen strategy, solve either problem A or B for each day. Be sure to show your work. (You may solve both problems if you would like.) Take a picture of your work and post it to Google Classroom. 
  • Problem A: Justin has to find the length of 4 large paper clips. Each paper clip is 5 cm long. How long is a line of 4 large paper clips? 
  • Problem B: At the zoo, I see 35 elephants and 48 tigers. How many legs do I see?
Story Telling
Learning Intention: I can create and organize my ideas before I speak and write. 

From the perspective of the animal in your shelter tell a story about what happened when the natural element (wind, snow, rain) came upon you. You can tell your story by video, voice only, google doc – BE IMAGINATIVE. Your story may be posted on the blog for others to see and hear.  


Learning Intention: I can use personal strategies to solve word problems that include multiplication or division.

Using a chosen strategy, solve either problem A or B for each day. Be sure to show your work. (You may solve both problems if you would like.) Take a picture of your work and post it to Google Classroom. 
  • Problem A: Emma put together a row of large paper clips. They measured 30 cm in length. If each paper clip measures 5 cm each, how many paperclips are there in total? 
  • Problem B: The music room has red, blue and green chairs. There are 10 red chairs and 12 blue chairs. There are 4 times as many green chairs as red chairs. How many chairs are there altogether? 
Passion Project
Learning Intention: I can identify a topic that I am interested in. I can generate questions for a research project. 

To begin your passion project we need to find or choose a topic that you are passionate about. This is a step that we want to take our time and really think about to make sure that your project is going to be interesting for you to work on and something that you will be proud to share. Your project could be about something that you already know a little bit about and would like to learn more or it could be something that you don't know very much about. For this week we are going to focus on brainstorming and finding lots of ideas so that we can make a really good choice. To start, answer the following questions with one or two ideas of a topic that you could research and then build a project about. Don't worry about picking your favourite idea at this point just write down lots of different ideas.  

What are you excited about? 
What are you curious about? 
What would you like to create or build? 
What problem would you like to solve? 

Once you have a bunch of different ideas start writing down questions about each topic that you would like to find the answer to. These can be simple questions for now. Next week we will be creating research questions that will help you find lots of different information about your topic. Use the picture as a guide. 
Send me an email to tell me your idea for your passion project. Send it to

Letter to the Teacher

Learning Intention: I can put ideas and information into short paragraphs with a topic and supporting sentences. 
Using a medium of your choice, such as journal, google doc, video with a picture, share with your classroom teacher what you learned this week. The following questions may guide you.  Post in Google classroom.

- May include a picture, video 
- How did you play this week? 
- How did you experiment this week?  
- What is one new learning from this week?  
- What are new wonders? 
- What questions do you have for me?  

Learning Intention: I can use personal strategies to solve word problems that include multiplication or division.

Using a chosen strategy, solve either problem A or B for each day. Be sure to show your work. (You may solve both problems if you would like.) Take a picture of your work and post it to Google Classroom. 
  • Problem A: Jenna collects buttons. She wants to display them in an array. She has 18 buttons, and would like to have 3 rows. How many buttons will there be in each row? 
  • Problem B: Mike and Courtney love to go fishing. Mike caught 12 fish this month. Courtney caught 3 times as many fish as Mike. How many fish did Mike and Courtney both catch this month? 
Additional/Extension Activities 

Explore Time 
  • Using a medium of your choice sketch a realistic picture of your animal 
  • Create a picture that will help the audience understand your story  
  • Using recyclable materials, invent and create a prototype protective device or enclosure that will keep your animal safe. Post with a video or picture in Google Classroom. 
  • Using magazines, flyers and newspapers create a collage of items that you are most interested in or curious about. 


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