Its that time of year when things are busy and I forget my promises . . . my apologies for not keeping up with my promise of blog 3 times a week :(
Students are continuing to work hard on their arena projects, specifically the report. Ms. McCurdy has been teaching students topic sentences and organization of writing. Students have written rough copies on paper and are beginning to transfer them to the computer. Typing can be a long process but students are beginning to learn short cuts! Some have learned the short cut of double clicking to correct spelling, and some are experimenting with voice to text. Its interesting watching eye light up as new technologies are shared among peers and students think they are "beating the system". If you have a chance, have your child open up their document and share it with you. They can do this at home by logging onto google drive with their student email and use their 8 character password. The email should be their first name last initial and then a number followed by . AT this point, please do not help fix things in the sentences and structure. I would like to have students go through the editing process themselves first. What you are seeing at this point is just their first draft without the opportunity of revision and editing.
December 19th is our last day of classes. We are hoping that students will have their project completed and ready for sharing this day. As a grade three team we are planning to have their display boards, reports and models up for display in the iLad prior to the last carolling opportunity that afternoon. Please watch for further information as the time gets closer. Our hope is to have the iLad open to parents to view from 1:45 - 2:30 to view the projects on the 19th of December. If we can get the students to complete all of their work, we will be able to share their amazing idea for the future arena.
Giving Feedback on Designs:
Students are continuing to work hard on their arena projects, specifically the report. Ms. McCurdy has been teaching students topic sentences and organization of writing. Students have written rough copies on paper and are beginning to transfer them to the computer. Typing can be a long process but students are beginning to learn short cuts! Some have learned the short cut of double clicking to correct spelling, and some are experimenting with voice to text. Its interesting watching eye light up as new technologies are shared among peers and students think they are "beating the system". If you have a chance, have your child open up their document and share it with you. They can do this at home by logging onto google drive with their student email and use their 8 character password. The email should be their first name last initial and then a number followed by . AT this point, please do not help fix things in the sentences and structure. I would like to have students go through the editing process themselves first. What you are seeing at this point is just their first draft without the opportunity of revision and editing.
December 19th is our last day of classes. We are hoping that students will have their project completed and ready for sharing this day. As a grade three team we are planning to have their display boards, reports and models up for display in the iLad prior to the last carolling opportunity that afternoon. Please watch for further information as the time gets closer. Our hope is to have the iLad open to parents to view from 1:45 - 2:30 to view the projects on the 19th of December. If we can get the students to complete all of their work, we will be able to share their amazing idea for the future arena.
Giving Feedback on Designs:
Building the second floor with stabilizing pillars:
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